Why Thoughts Matter


This is my very first blog entry and still learning what sort of writing style works. 

I would like to start off the blog with my story.

I spent my whole life trying to be more and trying to learn everything that I possibly could. I always chased dreams of who I want to be and what I strive to be, but never truly being who I am and acting upon it. I would like to change some of that by starting this blog that I hope to update at least once a week.

You might wonder for an in-depth reason as to why I blog — I talk about it very broadly in ‘About Blog’ page, but I want to take it a step further.

The most important things that we humans have are thoughts and ideas. It is a quality that separates us from other animals on this planet (as far as we know anyways).

Those thoughts help create a purpose for our very existence. Philosopher Rene Descartes, whose philosophical method that modern philosophy is based around, has a famous saying “We think, therefore we exist.” The moment we stop thinking and asking questions is the moment we cease to exist (at least as a thinking being).

Sometime later in High-school, I decided that it was time to put my thoughts on paper instead of just letting them go as random thoughts. No thoughts are truly random; they’re simply manifestations of what is running through our heads somewhere in our sub-conscious based on an observation we made or simply read/heard someplace.

Since then, I have been documenting as many thoughts as possible – many of which I have posted on Facebook over the years. I realized Facebook is not enough to discuss topics & issues thoroughly. There is only so much information I can put into a 100-150 words – my plan for the blog entries is to keep them around 500-550 words.

By now, I have many text documents filled with thoughts and ideas I could blog about. I can probably make entire blog entries of each individual ‘random’ thought for years to come if I truly wanted to – I don’t expect that to happen. I expect the blog entries to build upon themselves and develop over time in a manner that I have not planned out at this point.

I have big aspirations and many things that inspire me to be more. I no longer wish to be a pedestrian as life blasts by on its journey. This blog will be a start to that.

Harsh Shukla
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