Sixteen Candles (1984) – 7.5/10 – Funny film with Teen Drama that Resonates For All
‘Sixteen Candles’ is a 1980s coming-of-age film by John Hughes that is both funny and charming. I think it’s a popular movie, and most people have probably seen it already. A newly turned 16-year-old girl named Samantha (played by 80s star Molly Ringwald) realizes nobody remembers her birthday. Her parents and grandparents forget while focused on preparing for her older sister’s wedding. The boy, Jake, who she has a crush on, doesn’t know she exists. He has a beautiful, popular girlfriend, who has no interest in him outside of using him to throw extravagant parties to get drunk at. Throughout her day, she goes through embarrassing but also funny moments that leave her frustrated.
I like Hughes’ casting choices in ‘Sixteen Candles’, the soundtrack, pacing, and the feel it leaves you with. The acting is okay, but the characters are with you through their stories. Their issues are all relatable to everyone who was once a teenager or young adult, including self-confidence, romantic crushes, dreams that may never pan out, and maturity.
The 80s are known for their coming-of-age films, and director John Hughes is one reason why. His first break in Hollywood with ‘Sixteen Candles’ set the stage for his future career. He always had a way of making films that resonated with people of all ages. Such films become timeless for future generations because everyone goes through the journey of growing up with the emotions & accompanying issues. Hughes’ later films took such teen comedy dramas to another level.
Would I recommend this? Yes. While clichéd and doesn’t feel fresh, I think it’s a cool, humorous film worth watching at least once. John Cusack and his sister Joan also appeared in minor roles here. John Cusack, of course, goes on to star in ‘Say Anything’ and a side role in ‘Stand by Me’, both great 1980s coming-of-age films.